ALC Making a Genuine Impact in Preschool Community!
The Adaptive Learning Center’s Executive Director, Charles Schoen, received a letter from a parent in one of ALC’s partner preschools. Her children were not in the ALC program but had children in classes with kids in the program. This is a part of the letter expressing what a difference ALC made in her children’s lives.
“Having children that attended from 2yr old to 5/6, I’ve appreciated the program. We have loved our teachers, and the boys have enjoyed meeting friends. But having the contrast of ages it became apparent what I value most is the differences the ALC provides and the articulation of how our children treat other children. This is not about diversity, but about our children learning to love, appreciate, and share a world with others that learn, act, and achieve at different levels than they do.
A proud moment came from my oldest when we were introduced to a child with severe disabilities. He asked, “Mom is that child one that learns differently?” My son insists on opening the door for all just in case they can’t hold it. My other son seems to hold every child as the fearfully and wonderfully made child of God that they truly are.
My children are thriving in many ways, but I am especially thankful for the preschool for introducing us to The Adaptive Learning Center and everyone that supports it. With the ALC, we have all been blessed to view life through a different lens. An awareness that will be fruitful as our kids face their next classroom, friend, and challenge…to treat others as we’d like to be treated. After all, they have been modeling this for years!”
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